Ticon Quality

ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified

Our quality management system is lived and applied in the departments of manufacturing extrusion and injection molding products and developing extrusion and injection molding tools

Quality policy

The guidelines on quality policy of Ticon GmbH follow the basic conception of our products, their meaning and value for the user. In addition to our products, above all, we also see the partnership service to our customers.

Our quality policy is determined by the management. The management undertakes to keep the quality management system up-to-date and to continuously improve it.

In order to ensure a consistently high quality, the promotion of the quality awareness of our employees is a primary goal of the management.

An important criterion is the satisfaction of our customers. In order to achieve this, we want to fulfill the expressed and unspoken expectations of our customers.

In order to meet these goals, a quality management system according to ISO 9001 is used within Ticon GmbH.

The management shows leadership and responsibility by:

  • account for the effectiveness of the quality management system
  • the quality policy and quality objectives are determined in accordance with the context of the organization
  • make the quality policy available to interested parties, as appropriate
  • Ensures that the requirements for quality management are integrated into the business processes of Ticon GmbH
  • encourages the application of the process-oriented approach and risk-based thinking
  • provides the resources required for the quality management system
  • Promotes improvements
  • Guides and supports individuals to contribute to the effectiveness of the quality management system
  • ensures that customer requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and consistently fulfilled
  • addresses the risks and opportunities that may affect the conformity of products and services, as well as the ability to increase customer satisfaction and promote customer focus
  • ensuring that relevant roles are assigned, publicized, and understood
  • confess to the zero-defect goal

Code of Conduct

Definition and scope

This Code of Conduct applies to all employees of Ticon GmbH.

Compliance with laws

We commit ourselves, all applicable laws and regulations to observe and comply.


We base our actions on universal ethical values and principles, in particular integrity, integrity, respect for human dignity, openness and non-discrimination of religion, belief, gender and ethics. All employees contribute to a corporate culture characterized by fair and cooperative cooperation is. Tolerance and the respectful and trustful interaction in daily life together are part of the basic convictions of our management and our employees. In addition, every employee commits to responsible and compliant behavior.

Corruption, bribery and venality

Ticon GmbH opposes all types of corruption, extortion and bribery.

Employees should never participate in corrupt practices. Management shall, in accordance with local conditions and laws, ensure that no employee directly or indirectly makes or authorizes a payment or donation to a customer or a third party if the purpose is to obtain a trade. The attempt by suppliers or third parties to influence their decision by contributions must be strictly punished.

Human rights

Ticon GmbH respects human rights and commits to their observance.

We support the protection of international human rights in our sphere of influence.


We are clearly against any kind of discrimination. Our employees are recruited and promoted on the basis of their qualifications and abilities.

Child labor and forced labor

Ticon GmbH rejects any form of child and forced labor in the company and its business partners.